Anthem of the Copenhagen Full Moon Howlers Hash
Tune:  Sejle Ap Od Åen 
"Sailing up the River", an old Danish drinking song

We are the full moon ho-o-o-o-o-owlers
Sly mid-night prow-lers are we,
We moon the spooks,
Drink wit-ches' brew,
'Cause we're sons of bit-ches just like you,

We live by the ca-nine co-o-o-o-o-o-odex
Hear up, we'll teach it to you:
"If you can't eat
or screw it, then
Piss on it, Piss on it, once a-gain!"

For we are the full moon ho-o-o-o-o-owlers

Lyrics by Bogey, CFMHHHH
Tune by Emilius Carl Wilhelmi
Learned from Flying Booger's Hash Hymnal

I have seen this song in Flying Booger's Hash Hymnal (available from and many other hymnal webpages for a long time. I liked the lyrics and wanted to sing it for our Colorado Full Moon Hash (my Mother Hash).


I didn't know "Sejle Ap Od Åen", didn't know anyone who knew it, and couldn't find hide nor hair of it online anywhere. Nor did I know anyone in Copenhagen to ask. Indeed, on many of the "other hymnal webpages" I mentioned above, I found comments along the lines of "So how does this tune go anyway???"

At long last I have found the tune [give link!] and I proudly post it here for the first time outside of Denmark! ... Well, okay, prolly not the first, but you know what I mean.

If anyone's interested the original words and a literal translation (provided by Bassen of the MudCat Cafe) are below.

Sejle op ad åen
Sejle ned igen
Det er vel nok en dejlig sang
Den må vi ha' endnu en gang
Sailing up the river
Sailng down again
That is such a lovely song
We must have it one more time.

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Created   :   2010 February 20
Modified   :   2010 February 24
Author   :   Jeff "Little Head" Hutchinson
E-mail   :   Hutchinson dot Jeff at gmail dot com
URL   :
Copyright   :   2010